3.Loops In c++

In programming, loops are control structures that lets you run a particular block of code repeatedly. It’s very helpful if …

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1.Class and Object in C++ OOPs

Class and Object

The fundamental ideas of object-oriented programming, or OOPs, are class and object, which are used to represent ideas and entities …

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15.Period of Mahajanpadas

Mahajanpadas map

Period of Mahajanpadas is 6th century BC to 4th century BC. This period is known for❖ Political Development❖ Economic development❖ …

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14. Vedic Period

Vedic Period Yajna by Brahmanas

Early Vedic period (1500 – 1000 BC) : During, the Early Vedic period around 1500 BC, the primary source of …

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12.Indus Valley Civilization

Indus Valley Civilization

Indus civilization, also known as the Indus Valley Civilization or Harappan civilization, isthe earliest known urban culture of the Indian …

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11.Chalcolithic Age

Chalcolithic Age

The Stone Copper Age is also called as chalcolithic age. Most of Chalcolithic culture was ruled. It is a culture …

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10. Neolithic Age

Neolithic Age Painting

The final and third stage of the Stone Age was known as the Neolithic Age, or New Stone Age. It …

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9. Mesolithic Age

Mesolithic Age to early Neolithic Age microliths

The second phase of the Stone Age is referred to as the Mesolithic Age, or the Middle Stone Age. The …

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